6 benefits you can get from automated watering systems
To deliver the right amount of water to the right place at the right time automatically is no longer a dream!

To deliver the right amount of water to the right place at the right time automatically is no longer a dream for green space landscapers and maintenance technicians, thanks to increasingly popular automated watering systems. If you haven’t yet taken this step, we list 6 benefits to convince you.

How to save water in green spaces: our guide
Benefit N°1: reduce water consumption
Given current environmental challenges, the first and not the least benefit of automated watering systems is that they can save up to 50% of water, as SYNAA President explains in this interview.
Delivered automatically and exactly where and when needed, even during hot summer nights when the water has the time to penetrate the soil without evaporating, it optimizes plant growth! And what public authorities responsible for big green spaces particularly appreciate is that these systems reduce water bills.
Benefit N°2: save time
Although everyone agrees that green spaces need watering, is it really necessary to use the precious time of a professional to perform this mindless task? Automated watering systems are very popular with public authorities which often have a limited number of staff. By watering with a stand-alone system, professionals can focus on more worthwhile tasks. Which means a rapid return on investment!
Benefit N°3: eliminate water stress
If overwatered, plants can catch diseases. Under-watered, they dry out. Correct watering optimizes growth, but that’s not all! The right amount of water maximizes a plant’s ability to capture carbon and cool the surroundings. The SYNAA estimates that an urban green space can absorb up to 63 tons of carbon/hectare/year provided that it is watered correctly. And that can lower the temperature by 3 to 5°C! (1)
Benefit N°4: limit soil erosion due to streaming
In the summer storm season, relatively wet ground can prevent flooding as dry ground is less able to absorb high volumes of rainwater in the event of storms and consequently is more prone to streaming, which erodes soils. Automated watering systems conserve a ground’s absorption properties, which is important knowing that the ability of soils to absorb water might be in danger.
Benefit N°5: eliminate weeds
With drip or buried automated watering systems, only the feet of the plants receive the water they need to grow. By watering in a targeted way, weeds have fewer resources to grow between and compete with plants. Some plants can catch diseases like alternaria (black spot) on tomatoes if their leaves are accidentally watered.
Benefit N°6: remote control
Thanks to the sensors fitted to automated watering systems, you know various parameters like ground humidity or the weather in real time without being on the same spot and do what needs to be done remotely. Other indicators, for example flow rate controllers able to detect leaks, enable remote diagnoses in the event of malfunctions and tell you which tools to prepare for a technical visit.
The benefits of automated watering systems concern the environment as well as the human and financial aspects, uniting the fundamentals for sustainable development. But, especially, they are ideal tools for professional landscapers who are always on the outlook for ways to make green spaces more attractive and healthy. Paysalia blog articles help you discover these innovations. Here is one which you should find of interest…
4 ways to reduce the amount of water you use in your gardens
(1) SYNAA : L'arrosage automatique en 7 points clés
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