How to ensure successful sports field design and maintenance: our ultimate guide!
Discover a selection of our best articles about sports field design and maintenance.

As a sports ground manager you are always looking for the best way to lay out your pitches, carry out scheduled maintenance and protect the environment. Paysalia provides answers to all these questions. Below is a selection of our articles on these topics!
Sports field design should leave nothing to chance!
Which kind of grass should you choose? What safety devices should you install? How can you transform an urban space into an urban playing field? Here are some articles to help you bring your sports field construction projects to successful conclusions.
Golf courses must first and foremost protect the people using them. Specific devices exist to prevent accidents. Check them out here.
There is a basic question when building a sports ground. Should you pick natural or synthetic grass when designing your sports field?
And if you turned your city into a gigantic sports ground? This implies appropriate urban development. Here’s how!
Sports field maintenance: a rigorous exercise that needs to be controlled
There is nothing worse for an athlete than a playing field in bad condition! To encourage every kind of practice, rigorous maintenance is essential.
There is a specific vocabulary of terms to do with sports field maintenance. You can find them here!
Our calendar lists the main golf course maintenance actions you must carry out.
Golf courses require particular care during maintenance. Montreux Golf Club greenkeeper Marc Charrel talks about the challenges of his profession.
What about the impact of sports fields on the environment?
Environmental protection concerns everyone - including sports field managers. And they can do a lot to reduce the way their sports grounds impact the environment!
After skiing, motor sports and shooting, golf is considered to be one of the most polluting sports. There are a host of solutions to counter their threat to the environment!
Water is an invaluable resource and all sports fields can contribute to saving it! President of the French National Automatic Watering Association Pierre-Alain Madelaine discusses water management problems.
The design, construction and maintenance of sports fields is a vast topic and you probably still have specific questions concerning the grounds you look after. So come and discuss them with other sector professionals at Paysalia in Lyon, France, from 3 to 5 December 2019!
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