The job market in the Landscape sector

APECITA is the specialist in employment in agriculture, agri-food and the environment. As experts, they give us figures on the labor market in the landscape sector. The landscape activity encompasses:

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APECITA is the specialist in employment in agriculture, agri-food and the environment. As experts, they give us figures on the labor market in the landscape sector.

The landscape activity encompasses:

  • Particular gardens and urban parks;
  • All green spaces and external facilities linked to collective dwellings, various public facilities;
  • Afforestation and reforestation operations;
  • Sports complexes, playgrounds and campgrounds.

Some figures about the market

28,600 companies: +0.7% in 2 years
63% which have not any employee
25.5% which have 1 to 5 employee(s)
11.5% which have more than 5 employees

Revenue: 5.34 billions € (+1.7% in 2 years)
Creating gardens and green spaces: 56%
Parks and gardens maintenance: 44%

Job contacts of the employees
81% are permanent contracts
19% are fixed-term contract whose 65% are contract of apprenticeship

Why meet the Apecita at the job exchange they organize at the Paysalia fair?

further details about the traing and employment area

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in co-production with

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Since its launch in 2009, Paysalia has been organized in co-production with UNEP which supports landscape contractors on a daily basis through its 13 regional unions. UNEP defends for the interests of businesses in the landscape and garden sector, develops social standards for the profession, and leads the creation of professional guidelines for the industry.