How can landscaping companies convince a client to buy?
Salesmanship is an art! To convince more clients to sign with you, discover some advice you can use.

Whether you are selling to a private individual, a public authority, or a private company, landscaping companies always need to be persuasive during negotiations… or you could lose the business to your competitors! Between psychological methods and technical tools, here is some advice on how to convince clients to sign with you!
The 7 essential criteria clients use to choose a landscaping company
Reinforce your selling techniques
Salesmanship is not inevitably innate but there exist specific techniques you can use to convince clients to sign up. These universal techniques are above all based on psychology and so you need to understand the state of mind of your prospect in depth!
First and foremost, you must be reassuring! If prospects hesitate, they are probably worried about the cost, the result, or the scope of the works. By listening and taking the right time to explain your choices in detail, you maximize your chances of getting them to sign your estimates.
If your prospect is finding it difficult to choose between several landscaping companies, review the benefits of signing with you. Highlight your qualifications, what you have done for your clients and especially the fact that you have really understood what they want. Do not hit on the competition! To build a positive relationship, demonstrate your strengths and your values!
A particularly effective technique during negotiations consists in using the power of choice. By suggesting several landscaping solutions and costs to your prospect, you vastly increase your chances of concluding a contract. In the same approach, ask open-ended questions! Questions which cannot be answered by “yes” or “no” enable prospects to express their wants more precisely, giving you the opportunity to rebound more easily and consolidate your mutual understanding.
Use new technologies to sell better
New technologies help convince clients when you are about to sign agreements.
3D landscaping software packages are important tools as they show clients what their future landscapes would be like. Autocad is the best known but there are other alternatives reviewed in this article. They are effective ways to reassure clients and provide a roadmap that everyone can understand easily!
Although still expensive, virtual reality applied to landscaping is a great sales tool as it puts your client inside the project. If you work on luxurious or ambitious landscape installations, proposing a preliminary modelization can tip the scales in your favor! You can also use it as a reference in your portfolio for other clients.
Read also: The digital levers landscaping companies can use to find clients
Convincing prospects who have already refused!
Always remember that if prospects contacted you, you had already convinced them to take the first step. However, it can happen that you did not make the sale. In the event of a refusal to accept your quote, all is not lost!
What you have to do is to keep the door open for future business. Be fair play and thank the prospect for having contacted you. To show you value their opinion or to help you do better in the future you can then ask why you were not selected. To go further, you can sign prospects up for your landscaping newsletter or suggest they visit your professional blog!
Once the contract is signed, remember to avoid the main pitfalls of green spaces and continue to add references to your portfolio to convince of new clients to contact you!
© Photo credit: nikilitov /